Should i get a mac or a pc for comp sci at bard
Should i get a mac or a pc for comp sci at bard

Lovelace is often compared to Leonardo da Vinci. Bowden republished her work in “Faster Than Thought: A Symposium on Digital Computing Machines.” The 1950s heralded the advent of the computer science field, so Lovelace was far ahead of her time. Lovelace’s notes on the “analytical engine” weren’t published until 1843, but the world’s first actual computer – the Manchester TC – was invented in 1953. It took an entire century before her writings were even recognized. Check it out below, the definitive list of six surprising facts about the first programmer in history that made everything from the first Mac to the Samsung smartphone possible. If you don’t know all there is to know about Ada Lovelace yet, you’re in luck. In case you missed what Lovelace represents to the achievement of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), read below to see how Lovelace not only pioneered the power of women in STEM, but also transcended possibilities beyond that of the computer pixel.

should i get a mac or a pc for comp sci at bard

Tuesday, 12 October is Ada Lovelace Day (ALD). This isn’t déjà vu, but how about celebrating the occasion again with the same fun facts about Ada Lovelace, the “First Lady of Technology,” that you enjoyed so much the last time?

Should i get a mac or a pc for comp sci at bard